Train with the man who trained the Israeli Special Forces!
Welcome to Roy Elghanayan’s Krav Maga
REKM’s Fighting Facility focuses on high-intensity combat-style training. The fighting styles we cover are Krav Maga, Boxing, Thai Boxing, MMA, Judo and Jiu-Jitsu, but we always bring it back to real-life self-defense. To be able to realistically defend yourself against any attacker, especially one who is professionally trained, you’ll need to learn about their style of fighting. Each fighting style is a language of its own and REKM will NOT limit you with your arsenal of weapons. The more tricks you have under your sleeve, the less likely you will be to freeze in a real street fight. At REKM you will become a strong and effective fighter on the streets and in the ring.
Your First Self-Defense Lesson.
Hover over the plus signs to learn about the groin kick, Krav Maga’s signature move.

Self-Defense is easy when you’ve been trained properly. Anyone can talk the talk, but not everyone can walk the walk. In our videos you’ll be able to watch many of our fighters in action from all ages. Then you’ll see how our work speaks for itself. Action speaks louder than words – just like REKM.
Roy Elghanayan
The youngest MASTER in Krav Maga history.
Now, you can train with the man who taught Krav Maga to Israeli Special Forces. Staff Sergeant Roy Elghanayan, 1st Class Airborne – Paratroopers Brigade, Israeli Special Forces.

Roy Elghanayan’s Krav Maga holds a verity of awesome fighters. Here you can view in real time the percentage of men and women that train at our Krav Maga training centers.
REKM’s Fighting Facilities
We have two REKM locations you can choose from, Los Angeles and The Valley. One membership covers both locations.
Fighting Facility
Santa Monica
1919 Broadway, Santa Monica CA, 90404